You've probably already seen the press release or read the headlines, so it's time to act.
Contact your representatives, your neighbors and your distant cousin. Ask them to join you in stopping the slow bleed of American troops and their fight against terrorism. Do it now, please. Your personal security and welfare may be at stake if the Congressional Defeatists are not told to STOP SLOW BLEEDING AMERICA!
Knowing that their war funding supplement with it's Iraq withdrawal date will be vetoed by the President, House leaders
Harry Reid and Russ Feingold have another bill to offer:
(a) Transition of Mission - The President shall promptly transition the mission of United States forces in Iraq to the limited purposes set forth in subsection (d).(b) Commencement of Safe, Phased Redeployment from Iraq - The President shall commence the safe, phased redeployment of United States forces from Iraq that are not essential to the purposes set forth in subsection (d). Such redeployment shall begin not later than 120 days after the date of the enactment of this Act.(c) Prohibition on Use of Funds - No funds appropriated or otherwise made available under any provision of law may be obligated or expended to continue the deployment in Iraq of members of the United States Armed Forces after March 31, 2008.(d) Exception for Limited Purposes - The prohibition under subsection (c) shall not apply to the obligation or expenditure of funds for the limited purposes as follows:(1) To conduct targeted operations, limited in duration and scope, against members of al Qaeda and other international terrorist organizations.(2) To provide security for United States infrastructure and personnel. (3) To train and equip Iraqi security services.
Reid and Feingold can expect another veto.
Contact your representatives and let them know that our nation does not need 200+ Commanders-in-Chief. Our Constitution specifies that we have only ONE. And that one is the President of the United States.