Tuesday, August 7, 2007

When Will We Learn the Truth?

The coming megolithic ‘NAFTA’ highway, one quarter of a mile wide, is already being built in Texas, where private land is being expropriated, and will eventually reach the Manitoba border and go on from there ... it allows the west coast shipping ports to be circumvented, instead relying on huge Mexican port, in the name of facilitating "free trade" . but free trade of what ..? Asian drugs ..?

And how is that port to be defended?Water (the new gold) will be the ‘issue’ of this century, as more than 25 states in the U.S. are currently in desperate need. Where do you think they will get the water they need? Canada claims 20% of the world's fresh water "reserves"!! and plans to get it out where developed IN SECRET by the Center for Strategic and International Affairs in Washington DC; they very people who brought you the shock and awe technique used in bombing Iraq into submission. Just who is deciding who gets the resources as they dwindle ..?

The United States is already guaranteed 60% of Canadian natural gas resources from NAFTA, which mean that even during emergencies when Canadians need energy that cannot have it. This is somewhat perplexing since Canada only has nine (9) years of PROVABLE gas supplies for itself. Canada is asked to import it! in case of shortage ...

This is just one example of how Canada is being shortchanged, and it’s only going to get worse. Even people in Harper's own Conservative party are aghast at this, which was only revealed in Parliament by Gordon Laxer - and the committee Chairman walked out in protest of his testimony!! -- a first in Canadian history. So much for government transparency.

When will the truth be told?

Mexico is so far exempted out of the energy equation; they are in control of the energy part of the 'protocol' and have a state run cartel.

From UpEd News

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