Amazing --- utterly amazing what our new prez can come up with in the nam of "hope and change" --------------- we're in big trouble, folks.
from Over the Hill Oracles:
The answer to the census question may be decided by the Supreme Court, but watch Obama’s clandestine maneuvers to assign “responsibility” for the census from the Secretary of Commerce to the White House.
Here’s the law:
The Congress, by law directed that:
“The Secretary [of Commerce] shall perform the functions and duties imposed upon him by this title, may issue such rules and regulations as he deems necessary to carry out such functions and duties, and may delegate the performance of such functions and duties and the authority to issue such rules and regulations to such officers and employees of the Department of Commerce as he may designate.”
Credit those folks over at Samizdata ….
As I read it, the Director of the Census must, by law, be within the Department of Commerce and under the direction of the (Senate approved) Secretary of Commerce who then reports to the president. Am I missing something?
Correction: From reading through Title 13, Chapter 1 it appears obvious to me that the POTUS has no role in the census whatsoever beyond, with Senate approval, selecting the Secretary of Commerce and, also with Senate approval, selecting the Director of the Census who ” shall perform such duties as may be imposed upon him by law, regulations, or orders of the Secretary.” Hhmmm… No president mentioned.The Secretary of Commerce is the only authority the law recognizes. Since as commenter Laird points out, the Constitution did not place the census function in Article II - the Executive branch but in Article I - the Legislative branch, it is not at all within the President’s reach unless the legislature places it there.
And watch for Obama to still try and put ACORN in charge of the census ….
Any question about WHY there are so many Obama-watch sites on the web???
More blurbs from the blogs:
– Stimulus Plan (Porkarama) updates are here ….
Biden: Ignore the voters
HERE’S a good question: why doesn’t Obama tell us specifically HOW this money will resolve his “now or never” crisis? We won’t see any jobs outta this political payback package for years.
– Obama has again voted “present” on this bogus stimulus plan. How to hype a crisis in two steps …. So where exactly is the change we (?) hoped for??? Forget it. It’s the same ole way with a Chicago twist ….
– BREAKING: Obama tells Gates to “stand down” on the troop surge in Afghanistan …..
Is he looking for ‘out‘ in Afghanistan???
– World opinion on Obama is fading ….
From London to America: What have you done?
Pakistan to the US: Show us the money!!!
Russia forms Alliance with six central Asian nations: Take THAT, America.
Ecuador expels US Embassy official: South America rejects the “Chicago way” …
– USS Cole mom is disgusted with Obama …. article and video
Pending: More and more parents and (retired) naval personnel are speaking out about the way the killers of their loved ones are being released ….
more pending …..
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